Sunday, March 20, 2011

Palm Lake


gabi said...

I love your collages

Michael Frissore said...


Bluezy said...

awesome idea.

Anonymous said...

Christopher, it's amazing to see your work. u have amzing capability of expressing your thoughts. what u think we completely visulze it.Keep it up
anjali pandeya

Anonymous said...

love it

Positive Thoughts said...

I need followers. Please follow my blog I will appreciate it. Thanks and God bless you.

bunny mazhari said...

Great collages, we appear to share the passion for this medium. xx

LyrickalArt said...

this is so innovative... i love it

Anonymous said...

I really love your blog! Everything is so creative! I just started a mail art project called Dear Old House, where individuals can mail a letter to the house that they grew up in. It doesn't necessarily have to be their first house, and could even be an old college dorm room. Old photographs of what the house looked like when they lived there, or a sketch of the place from memory, or even writing about the location and any moments or feelings that it brings up - are all ideas of submissions for the site. If you'd like to participate, I would be so thrilled, as I am a complete fan of your blog. You can find more information about it here: Once again, your blog is great and I really enjoy reading it. Cheers.