Sunday, January 02, 2011



Anonymous said...

This is amazing! I feel so weird saying this on a blog, but so good!

MomentosDeCleryBianca said...

What a beautiful and charming work is so surreal.

mariana213 said...

beautiful you have talent!

arkitekto+solitaryo said...

fantastic. i appreciate your art. :)

reshettarch said...

You are very talented. The work shows the world of dreams/ super. Thank You

Animação com Palhaço Picolé said...

good job Chris, you have a talent

Anonymous said...

i think its very nice..
but i think you can improve by making this one and your other work by making it doesnt look like its been cut and pasted. maybe using photoshop or something..
^^ please come to my blog..

Nigel Demon said...

In a fine and long tradition of fairies in art. I like it, but it shows abandon and no temptation. where's the "will they won't they"?
Well done.

Hanna Rose said...

I adore this.

It's amazing.